对分组光传送和宽带接入产品的独特整合,结合创新的SDN平台—SOO Network,可提供前所未有的自动化和灵活性,以增加带宽利用率和强大的电信级功能。
对分组光传送和宽带接入产品的独特整合,结合创新的SDN平台—SOO Network,可提供前所未有的自动化和灵活性,以增加带宽利用率和强大的电信级功能。
A set of native SOO applications designed to help carriers to optimize and automate services planning and provisioning and network operation. The basic set of SOO applications can be easily extended through the use of open Northbound APIs with native and 3rd party applications designed to accommodate specific operator’s requirements and business vision and meet customer’s needs and expectations through interactive customer-specific applications.
SOO Store provides easy and swift ordering and provisioning of services:
SOO Design for automated planning and optimization of network resources utilization, services provisioning and performance verification. It includes features like
SOO Care – a self-service customer application for online services management and monitoring
SOO Build for easier and faster network deployment and maintenance