Mobile Backhaul using MPLS-TP based PTN
Emergence and increasingly extensive use of cloud services, streaming and other bandwidth-hungry applications on one hand, and huge popularity and availability of broadband-enabled mobile devices on the other hand, result in the rapid growth of bandwidth demand that mobile communications industry faces in the last several years. In addition, various technologies are still used in mobile networks today. While the 2G networks depend on traditional T1/E1 interfaces for base stations to core network connection, 3G networks use ATM in addition to T1/E1, and LTE networks primarily use Ethernet as the transport. This represents a wide spectrum of technology choices from reliable, connection-oriented TDM to connectionless best-effort packet technologies. While the advantages of using packet based backhaul architecture are evident due to inherent bandwidth and CAPEX savings, there can be a concern that the connectionless packet networks may not meet the innate reliability and resiliency standards of TDM networks and would adversely impact the existing revenue-generating voice services.

An optimal backhaul solution based on Packet Optical Transport
The UTStarcom’s solution addresses the dilemmas described above through use of our innovative SDN-enabled Packet Optical Network based on MPLS-TP (MPLS Transport Profile, jointly backed by ITU-T and IETF) and CE (Carrier Ethernet) technologies. The solution combines the advantages of TDM transport and packet networking technologies under umbrella of SDN-based automated service provisioning. The result is a highly efficient connection oriented packet network that perfectly fits the requirements for the backhaul of LTE and legacy mobile networks. UTStarcom’s solution offers:
Multi-service support - Offers wide range of interfaces including E1/T1/SDH/ATM/Ethernet, for truly multi-service network with support of different wireless technologies used by mobile network operators
Network based clock synchronization - Meets strict network clock requirements, supports Synchronous Ethernet and precise IEEE 1588v2 based timing distribution, as well as Time of Day synchronization
Resilient and reliable network - Provides connection oriented network with sub-50ms recovery mechanisms and guaranteed SLAs with end-to-end QoS
Capex and Opex optimization - Savings thanks to packet-based implementation with optimized bandwidth usage due to statistical multiplexing, smaller footprint and lower power consumption, enhanced multi-layer OAM for simpler and more efficient operation and maintenance.
UTStarcom provides a full range of Packet Optical Transport products to efficiently address the mobile backhaul network needs at all levels: TN701A and TN703C/E for access, TN705 and TN725/E for aggregation, and TN735 and TN765 for Aggregation and Core.
Learn more about NetRing TN Series of Packet Optical Transport products.